Monday, May 16, 2011

Blog 23; Expanding on one topic in Sleep Dealer

In Sleep Dealer, people become cyborgs by buying implants called “nodes” that allow to connect them to cyberspace.

a) Make a list of how nodes are used by the main characters: Memo, Luz, and Rudy. What uses seem perfectly normal to you? What uses seem perverse? Are there any uses that should be illegal? What uses are very similar to interactions on the internet?
b) In Sleep Dealer, Luz makes a living by uploading and selling her memories in cyberspace. Is this ethical? How does selling actual memories compare to writing a “tell all” autobiography, for example? How does it compare to participating in a reality television show?

      In "Sleep Dreamer" the nodes are used to perform different types of work in different countries and states. Memo uses the nodes to work. He works at a technology factory. Working long days 12 hours a day and sends whatever money he makes to his family to support them. Luz uses the nodes to remember everything, she then sells her memories. Rudy uses the nobes to control the drone. Luz uses seem normal to me. She uses her nodes to remember information. She keeps a log of everything she sees/does. It seems like she is just "keeping a log". Luz makes her living by selling her memories in cyberspace. I think this is ethical. Whats the difference between creating a book and selling it and creating memories and selling them? Nothing.  An autobiography is different from her selling memories because in the autobiography its all about you just like a reality show. We get to know you. not the people you interact with daily. with her selling her memories they could be about anyone, its not personal.

Blog 22; Watching and Responding to The Story Of Stuff

Define "planned obsolescence" and "perceived obsolescence" in your words.  
Who/What is responsible for these marketing strategies? 
Who/What benefits from them? 
Who/What suffers because of them? Are these strategies necessary? Are they right? 
Provide evidence from your own experience or from what you have read and discussed in class.
           Planned obsolescence is deliberately planning or designing a product with limited life. Companies make products so they last a certain amount of time and then you the consumer has to go out and buy a new one and spend more money.  convinces us to throw away products that still work great. If you have an old IPod and a new one came out and you got rid of your old IPod and bought the new one that would be considered Perceived obsolescence. Large companies benefit from Perceived obsolescence & .Perceived obsolescence. I think the government and companies are responsible for these marketing strategies. The main people that suffer from this are the consumers. We have to work hand day & night just to go out and shop and spend our hand earned money. The environment also suffers. There is currently only 4% of the forest in the united states left. One-third of the planet natural resources are gone. If we continue to abuse our environment in this way there are going to be a lot of drastic changes ahead.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blog 20; Reflection on Food Unit

     I some what enjoyed the classes on the food unit. In class we watched "The meatix" and some parts of "Super Size Me". Although i don't know why we had a food unit? I'm thinking so we have stuff to "relate" to when we are writing our CATS. We also read an article on which was a requirement for blog 15. We also did Cat #3. Out of all the CATS we have done in this class i think this one i was comfortable with the most. Although i didn't pass this one either I got a 54 compared to my 45. 
    The point of the media unit we previously studied in class i think was to open our eyes to new things and develop our ideas. We have to start reading labels that are placed on the products we buy, visit farmers markets and not just shop in supermarkets because it seems more convenient, since they do sell everything we might be looking for, and most of all we should stay away from fast food restaurants.
    Although this unit was better than the other ones, i feel as if i haven't made much of an improvement in my writing skills.  

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blog 19; In Defense of Food.

  • What items in Pollan's advice make sense to you? 
  • Which could you implement right away? 
  • Which seem hard to do or farfetched?
  • Which you wish you could do, but your present lifestyle does not make possible?

In Michael Pollan's book "In Defense to food" he gives us tips on how to eat better. One thing he monitions is not to eat anything your grandmother wouldn't recognize. Many food today is processed or it contains "fake" ingredients. He also suggests not to eat any food with ingredients that you don't recognize. According to Pollan we should plant more plants instead of going to the supermarket to purchase them. I also agree with Pollan on his last tip, to sit down together and eat. I think if you sit down and have a meal with family/friends you would more likely than not eat a healthy meal.

The only thing that makes sense to me is to cook at home and eat meals together as a family rather than alone. The only thing i could implement right away would be to avoid food products that seem unfamiliar or that i have never heard of before. The "pay more eat less" tip seems a little far fetched for me. Not everything has the luxury of buying products based on there makeup rather than their price. many people buy items based on their price.Planting a garden is something i wish i could do, but due to me living in an apartment that seems a little impossible. I'm sure everyone would like to follow Pollan's tips for eating better but due to financial issues and living issues many people have to choice but to eat the "garbage" they have in the supermarkets.

Blog 18;Summarizing and Responding to "Where the Whale be At?"

Maybe i should apologize first for being white.

I'm sorry.

P.S I will not be doing this blog.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Blog 17: Summarizing and Responding to "The End of Overeating."


        In the passage by David A.Kessler, a former commissioner of the food and drug administration argues that alot of the processed food is being re engineered to create addiction. Many consultants describe how they are trying to fashion products that offer whats become know in the food industry only as "entertainment" Many of the foods today are created to "explode in your mouth". People who respond to laboratory designed concoctions according to Kessler is called 'Conditioned Hyper eating". People get addicted to foods such as cinnabons and Starbucks strawberries & creme frappuccinos according to kessler and just like research on rats, he maintains that animals brains react to sweet fatty foods the same way that addicts respond to cocaine.


           I agree with David A. Kessler when he states that much of our processed food is being engineered to create addiction. Many of today's products such as meats, eggs and dairy have so many chemicals added to the to them so the products has a longer shelf life. Many animals are injected with chemicals so they can produce more eggs/milk. A large number of the animals are being tortured and killed and left to lie in there own filth which creates the rise of disease. Many companies are adding "special chemicals" to the food so it wont go bad so fast. Do you really think this is healthy for our body? Companies are trying to "fashion" products so they appeal to the consumers. Fat, sugar and salt turn out to be the crucial elements in this equation. different "entertaining" items mix these ingredients in different combinations.
         Kessler using the term "conditioned Hyper eating" to describe how people respond to these chemically engineered products. Many food like Cinnabons are Starbucks Strawberries & cream frappaccinos are like drugs according to Kessler. A research on rats proves that animals brains react to sweet and fatty foods the same way the addicts respond to cocaine. Companies are also adding chemicals to the processed food so consumers get addicted.
         Companies are all about themselves these days. Many processed food has added chemicals to maintain its "freshness". Food can be in the company freezer for longer without going bad, because of this companies are saving money. the food stays fresher for longer and they no longer need a new shipment as frequent, and because less food is being tossed away they are able to sell more. Many of the fast food companies target kids. companies such as McDonald's and Burger King put toys in there "happy meals" to catch the kids attention. When it really boils down to it it is not such a happy meal. Companies are always trying new ways to catch the consumers attention and want consumers to experience "new things"
          Consumers need to learn and get familiar with the foods they are eating and giving to their loved ones. Preparing your foods at home would be the safest and smartest bet. God knows what you going to get when you order your next "happy meal"

Blog 16: Revision of CAT #2

              In the passage by Nicholas Balaker he states that young children have a greater chance of picking up smoking if they see actors in movies doing it. According to researchers "Thirty-eight percent of children who start smoking do so in imitation of movies they have seen". The higher the rating for a certain movie the bigger chance of it having people who smoke; according to Dr. James D. Sargent, the lead author on the study and a professor of Pediatrics at Dartmouth medical school.
             Children now a days are going to see "R-rated" movies at such a young age. Young kids who go and see r rated movies have a greater chance of smoking. One study interviewed 6,522 children nationwide and gave them a list of box office hits. The researchers added up the number of times each child could have been shown someone smoking in a movie. Kids who viewed movies with people smoking were more than 2 & a half times as likely to pick up smoking as those who had very little exposure. Although according to Dr. Sargent the studies results only included young children and the report did not rule out the chances that smoking began before the children saw the certain movies. The out come of the results tell us that this topic should be taken with great concern.
            Nonetheless i believe that kids who view movies with people who are smoking there is a greater chance of them smoking. Kids these days are allowed to go see r rated movies so you should expect them to try "R-rated" things. The only people to blame for this is the parents, Kids should not be able to see adult rated movies. We are harming our kids in more ways than one.
           All my life until about 6 years ago my mom would smoke. It was a normal thing for me to see her with a cigarette in her hand. I guess i have her to blame for me smoking. Even though i was exposed to smoking by the movies and the "outside" world i personally think i was influenced by my mom. According to Nicholas Balaker kids are very much influenced by movies, from what the actors are saying, smoking or wearing. The children's mind is so naive and its a shame that children are learning this hasty habit from movies.We have to stop allowing our kids to see "adult" movies. Slowly but surely we are killing our children and we must come together and stop this or they will be no future for our children.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Blog 15, Part I: Summarizing the Stories + Part II: Responding to a Factory Farming Issue

Part one.
The Meatrix

       This short film describes the process that animals endure will at a slaughter house. Many farm lands are being destroyed because of these large slaughters houses/factories. Most of your meat eggs and milk come from places like this. Long ago agriculture corporations began changing family farming to maximize their profits. animals are packed as closely together as possible. the cruel conditions forced animals to fight and kill each other. Also the rise of disease also has an effect on the animals.

The Meatrix: Revoltingg

     In this short film "The Meatrix; Revolting" it tells us how slaughter houses work. Most people are not aware of the abuse and torture that take place in these factories/slaughter houses. The animals also have to deal with filthy conditions and inhuman settings. 

The Meatrix II 1/2

      The Meatrix 11 1/2 goes more in dept on how slaughter houses work and process there meats eggs and milk.  Factories or slaughter like to work at a fast pace in order to get more meat processed by doing this workers are being injured.

Part Two
Animal Welfare

       All around this country, animals used for meat, eggs, and dairy often suffer on farms where they are treated as "things" of production rather than animals. The factories where the animals are being raised are often large, over populated, filthy and inhuman. Many times animals will be kept in one cage that the amount of toxic levels rise and often make the animals ill or even kill them.
      Cows that are unfortunately born into the dairy production are only allowed to stay with the mother for about twelve hours before it is whisked away to live a "wonderful" life being tortured and abused. One the cow has grown to the "proper" size and they are no longer producing milk it is taken to the slaughter house. While being transported from the truck to the slaughter house many of the cows are injured and unable to walk.They are "pushed prodded and shoved into the slaughter house.
    Just before a new pig is to arrive the mother pig is placed into a small crate maid lay on her side. When the piglet is born the nails and teeth and quickly clipped so they don't harm the other pigs. When the pigs are old enough they are taken away from their mothers and placed inside a pin. The pigs is usually inactive always showing signs of stress and aggression. When the pigs are transported they often experience mistreatment in part with any illness they picked up while at the factory many die will being transported.
        Most chickens are given hormone shots which make their muscles grow at an alarming rate. a majority of the times the chickens will lose the ability to walk. Many chickens are locked up on a very small cage. Most of the time it is so crowed in the cage the chickens will start attacking the other chickens with their beaks. Due to this half of the chickens beak is usually cut off. 
          Although a lot of people know what is going on in these places refuse to change anything about their life habitats which will in return help protect our animals. better laws should be enforced to protect the animals and the people.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blog 14; Reflection on the Media Unit

      The media Unit for me was the worst. We watched The Matrix, The Truman Show and We read "Allegory of the Cave". The matrix and the Allegory of the Cave were the hardest to understand, till' this day i still wouldn't be able to give you a symbolic meaning of them. The Truman Show was a bit easier to grasp.
When it got the the point where we had to compare The Matrix and The allegory Of The Cave I found it really difficult.
      The exercises that we have to do in class such as writing responses using claims, reasons and evidence in good docs in groups and also in the forums were helpful sort of. I definitely got extra practice by doing the exercises. The easiest part was summarizing. what i found to be difficult was giving actual examples.To me it seems like most of the time i cannot relate to the story in anyway. Most of the time i just find myself making up a "personal experience". and when i do come up with something that can relate to the passage i start to re-think it and think it doesn't relate at all. Practice makes perfect. (and I'm on my way there) 
      We were also givin' two practice CAT tests. The first one i did ok i think although i didn't pass. The second one we did i was more confident about handing it in. Perhaps because the passage was about smoking. I felt it was easier for me to start writing. I also think that i organized my essay alot better the second time around.
       I also find myself annotating more. I read the passage and realize that i am underlining important words & information, looking up words that i'm not one hundred percent sure of. and i also realize that my essays look alot better they are more organized and make alot more sense. 
     Honestly i am very happy this unit is over. I look forward to the next unit and hopefully it wont be as difficult but knowing the teacher ;] it might be worse. I also enjoyed the fact that we didn't work in groups as much. (Thank god) & i feel like i have learned more working by myself. All around this unit was hard. On top of getting more practice writing and putting together essays we had to find the symbolic meaning of different movies. I am still not good at this.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Blog 13: Revision of CAT #1


           In the passage below "The Dangers Of Reality T.V by Timothy Sexton, he explains that all of these reality TV shows are sending out a defective message. Rather than looking at someone for their "ability" they are looking for people with great "image". The old belief or way of thinking is that competition is the way to achieve success.
          Reality TV show producers like to send out the message that in order to achieve success you must have a great portrait rather than a great ability. they also want the viewers to think that education is not at all necessary. I've watched this show on MTV called Teen moms. It is a reality show with young teen moms struggling to raise their child & achieve there life goals at the same time. Instead of teaching kids or teen girls not to have sex i think its saying its "OK". The show is meant to show viewers that teen pregnancy is not ok. I think it has a bad influence on the younger generation. It promotes sex, teen relationships and teen fighting.
         Just the other night i was watching "Nancy Grace" and she was talking about one of the girls on Teen Mom. The girl was videotaped fighting another young girl over a guy. They (MTV) made it seem like it was acceptable. I think these reality TV shows have gotten out of control. Instead of molding and shaping our younger viewers we are corrupting them.
         There is another show "The Bad Girls Club", it's a group of 8 self proclaimed "bad girls". Every season the show has aired you have to notice the girls. Here is a perfect example of "Image rather than ability". The only thing it takes to be on that show is looks. You don't have to be smart, been in college or posses any degree.
         I think reality TV shows as a whole are pessimistic. They are causing great harm to the younger audience. Their minds are being tricked with what they see on these reality T.V shows. They promote bad traits and allow us to think that what they are airing is right. We all know that the real key to success is "ability & education" not image or stupidity.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Blog 12: Summary and Response to "Red Pill or Blue Pill?"

           In the article "Red pill or Blue pill; Is Ignorance Bliss? adapted from " The Matrix, Liberal education, and other splinters in the mind" by Christine Cornell and Patrick Malcolmson the authors begin with a comparison with The Matrix and Alice's adventures In Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass. Just like "Alice" Neo goes to a new world. They both (Neo & Alice) undergo a dramatic change Forcing them to think who they really are? Are they dreaming? "which life is a dream- the life they had always led or the weirdness they are now experiencing"?
        The authors then continue to compare Neo and Alice going "through a mirror", Neo having to pick between the blue pill which will make him stay in the matrix or the red pill which allows him to leave the matrix and return to "normal", and Alice having the magic drink and cake.
The main thing they share is there confusion of what is real. When the "caterpiller' asked Alice "Who are you"? She replied with a "I-I hardly Know"
        "The Allegory of the Cave" by Plato is about being "set free". The prisoners are fooled into thinking that the lights on the cave is the real world but really is a "shadowy world". Coming out of  the cave is a agonizing existence because they are not used of that. "as Morpheus explains to Neo, His eyes hurt because he has never used them". "Freedom is not something that most people are going to be inclined towards or be receptive to".
       Both the Matrix and The Allegory of the cave show the undertaking of Neo and the "prisoner" that left the cave. Cornell stated that "turning around from the world of becoming to the world of being" which to me is a symbol of life on the inside and outside of the "cave" for the prisoner. Everyday people are experiencing new things in there everyday life whether its with school, friends or relationships.
        To get back to the answer of the title "Is ignorance Bliss"? I personally think it is. By us being ignorant we try to avoid endeavors stopping us from learning new things.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blog 11; Responding to a significant topic in The Truman Show

Topic 3: Coming out of the cave (Google Groups questions 4-5)
Truman’s conformity to his society is often depicted as childish. He sometimes behaves wildly and is constantly being told to “grow up”. He begins to “grow up” when he questions everything he has always known and believed in to the point that his view of Seahaven is radically altered
Consider your own life (or the life of someone you know well):
Can you think of a similar situation in your own life that has changed the way you view the world?
If so, please describe it in detail. Was your change in worldview for the better or the worse? Why?
In what ways are you still conforming to your surroundings?
What things/people are keeping you from “growing up”?

                 People’s view of life can be altered by many things. Different life experiences good or bad can change a persons outlook on life. The most damaging things that could alter ones outlook on life in my opinion would be a death or being lied too.
             When someone has a close family member or friend pass away it could damage them for life. Some people never get over it. I remember when i was younger a very close friend of mine passed away, i was destroyed. I couldn't eat for days. I didn't want  go to school, i didn't want to talk to anyone.
             My view of the world changed for the worse. I no longer wanted to be friends with people because i thought that if i became their friends they would also die and i didn't want that to happen.I was always by myself. I later was told that people die all the time and it wasn't my fault. It was natural I just figured that my mom was trying to make me feel better. 
             A couple of years later my grandfather died in Ireland and i knew if wasn't my fault cause i was here in NY. After that i realized that it wasn't my fault that people died. I started to become friends with people again. Death today is still not easy but at least I don’t believe that i killed the person.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog 10; Reflection on Skills

  1. What do you think you have learned in terms of writing skills?
  2. What proves that you have learned what you say you have learned?
  3. What of the material we have covered is still unclear or confuses you? 
  4. Would you say that overall you feel more confident about your understanding of basic writing skills, less confident, or about the same as when we started class? What makes you feel this way? 
  5. Anything else I should know about?
          From my ENG 099 class i have learned many new skills. I learned how to Annotate how to summarize, how to write a thesis statement, i learned how to organize my essay around a thesis and i also leaned how to put a coherent & how to develop a topic sentence, and finally i learned some new transition words.
          From the annotating class i learned that it is important to underline important ideas. Also it is a good idea to take notes of the words you don't understand and later you can find the meaning so the essay or story makes complete sense to you. It is also a good idea to connect with the reading by writing brief comments or questions. Dr.X also said that it would be a good idea to circle key words and underline important examples. I feel most comfortable with annotating.
          The summarizing class was much more difficult for me as i am not good with summarizing things. From class i have learned that to write a successful summery you should find the main ideas, repeat them in your own words and also mention the authors name and title of the work. I also learned how to use words in different forms.
           A thesis statement is the single claim that the rest of your essay will support or explain. In order to write a good thesis based writing it should include a specific topic, a claim and a list of reasons. I found this difficult to learn at first but i hope with the help of Dr. X i will be more comfortable with wring thesis statements. I think learning how to write a thesis statement was the most difficult thing for me to learn.
          Dr.X explained that a successful paragraph should include a topic sentence it should develop the topic sentence it should be unifies and be coherent. The entire paragraph should concern itself with proving ONE idea. And last but not least would be the transition words. Transitions are words that serve as clues or hints so the reader can follow where your going with the work.
          So far this ENG 099 has helped me understand different writing skills. But what made this difficult was the fact that we are always working in groups. I think that if the CAT was done in a group that would be a great idea but unfortunately we have to complete the CAT on our own and that's how it should be done in class.

Blog 9; Reflecting on Paragraphing.

  1. What have you learned from the paragraphing class?
  2. How do you know that you have learned it?
  3. Can you describe how you learned it? 
  4. What helped your learning? What made it difficult?
  5. How do you feel after today's class? 
              From the paragraphing class i have learned that a successful paragraph contains a topic sentence, develops the topic sentence the paragraph should be unified and coherent. I also learned how to develop my topic sentence & that i should use examples, cite facts and define key words. I don't know that i have learned it until i am asked to write a good paragraph and it its checked and shown to me whats right and what i should change. I think Ive learned it because my paragraphs are getting better.writing paragrapgs have helped my learning and what made it difficult was the fact that we are working in groups AGAIN. if the CAT was done in a group that would be ok but we are on our own while taking the test. so we should be on our own while practicing for the CAT. I feel ok about writing more well put together paragraphs but not in a group cause that is not helping me.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Blog 8; I Know the Truth, so Don't Bother Me with Facts.

             In “I know the truth so don’t bother me with facts” by Jeffrey Kluger he explains how humans easily believe rumors and flat out lies. Assistant professors of communication at Ohio State University R-Kelly Garrett and Erik Nisbet were shocked by how easy it is to alter peoples beliefs. Investigators are digging deeper into the brain to see how our primal emotions are functioning. Kluger finishes by telling us no matter what information we gather its up to us as individuals to make our own and best decisions.
           I agree with Jeffrey Kluger when he states “even when people do take the time to learn the facts the efforts often does no good” because people are set in there own ways and they are not open minded about new facts. 
           For instance i always tend to do my writing homework while watching television or listening to my Ipod. I have been doing this for as long as i remember. My mom always complains that it is not a good idea, but i am so used of doing this its hard for me to change. I am really hardheaded. I usually like to do things my way and the way that satisfies me despite what other people have to say or tell me. Kluger mentions in his article that it has a lot to do with our ego.
           We put a lot of pride in what we believe in. People tend not to be aware of what is going on around them. They live in their own worlds and do not pay attention to any of there surroundings. people may be easily manipulated as show in Nisbets and Garretts study, it is very difficult to actually change ones belief. The study done at Ohio State University proves that people are not ready for change and consequences that they will have to overcome, but i believe we should be up for anything.!


Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog 7; Reflecting on Thesis-based writing.

1. In the thesis based writing class today i learned that a good thesis startment will include a specific topic a   claim and a list of reasons.

2. I know i have learned this because when putting a thesis based writing together it comes along much faster and makes sense.

3. Cause we have done many practices in class with our group.

4. what made it difficult was working in the group i would perfer to work alone as i only have to listen to my idea.

5. I feel very good about today's lesson and hope to write more thesis based writing.

Blog 6; Things i do not believe in anymore.

When i was younger i used to believe Santa was real. Today i know he is a made up person because i found letters that i used to write to him in my moms room. I put 2 and 2 together and realized this whole time my mom would pretend she is sending out the letters but in reality she would keep them and buy whatever i had written down.  When i was younger i also though Jesus was real, but then i went to catholic school and from then on i didn't believe anymore and now i don't believe anything until i see it with my own eyes. I also used to think the Easter bunny was real but since i found out that Santa wasn't real i assumed along time ago he was a made up person as well. Also when i was about 5 years old i had lost a tooth and my mom told me to leave it under my pillow and the "tooth fairy" would come while i was sleeping and leave money. I was so excited.! About three years later  found it and my mom confessed that she was the tooth fairy after that anytime a tooth would fall out i would just give it to my mom and she would give me money.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blog 5; Summerizing what the allegory stands for?

              In Plato's "The Allegory of the cave." Socrates tells a story in which his student Glaucon to explain the importance of exploring your boundaries.Socrates tells the story to his student Glaucon about a group of prisoners who have lived their lives uneducated chained up so "they cannot move and they only see before them" in a cave. Behind the prisoners is a fire which lightens up the cave.It was obvious that the student clearly understood him. Socrates continued with his story, and a road in between All the men see shadows of people doing different tasks; some talking others carrying items. 
           To my understanding Glaucon questions in his own mind why Socrates has shown him this strange picture of the live and moving world.Socrates then goes on saying "like ourselves", which bafels the student but quickly agrees with his teacher, still wondering how can they see their shadows if they cant move their heads because of the chains around their necks. Althought, Glaucon believes almost everything Socrates tells him, it leaves one wondering to why someone could have such an imagination to express this horrendous time that they are going thought.
            He makes the reader and his student realize that what he is saying is that everything has a life cycle,when people pass by you hear their voice and if you think about it, when the prisoners or if they are possibly released would they ever stop being beaten of their wrong doings. Socrates keeps on explaining the things that would happen to the person when they get out of this dungeon of hell that is so dark and full of death. Their eyes would suddenly suffer very sharp pains and possibly go blind or not be able to see for a long time. The individual would most likely have flash backs of the past life he lived.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog 4; Rivision of "Hype"

Kalle Lasn, the author of "Hype" starts his article by stating "advertisements are the most prevalent and toxic of mental pollutants. The author then continues to give us a number of daily radio commercials TV commercials and billboard ads that we encounter each and everyday. She also mentions that no longer are ads confined to the usual places such as buses and billboards but now we can see ads on supermarkets karts, while waiting online for your cup of coffee. Lasin writes there is no where to run. "Everyone’s life without exemptions are filled with advertisements.

In the giving passage Hype Kalle Lasn writes about advertisements being the most prevalent and toxic of mental problems" He points out there growing number and there places in which they appear. "There is no where to run no one is exempt and no one will be spared states lasn. I totally agree with Lasn. Where ever you turn your bout to run into an ad. While waiting for a bus your constantly see ads, whether its on passing by busses or cabs. THERE EVERY WHERE. In corporate America’s eyes ads should be "filled with a logo or product message" and I don't agree. 'Videocarte' installed interactive screens on supermarket carts so don't you think the customer would be too busy trying to focus on the ad on the screen rather than shopping. I personally think they are useless. Everywhere you turn you will bump into an ad, you can’t run from them. While you sit at the movies you have to sit through 10 minutes of commercials. When you go to the store to buy a cup of coffee the cup has an ad on it. TV and radio stations throw commercials at us all the time. While you’re sitting in the dentist office they have posters on the wall advertising a special tooth paste or mouth wash. Most people dont have a problem with ad's being posted everywhere and on everything. I think its a good idea; not only do we get entertained while shopping or waiting for our morning bus but the ads promote a product. By the ads being promoted the product will get sold more. I personally think there are too many billboards and posters advertising useless products. Companies will do just about anything to catch a customer’s eye.

Companies are going over board. Who's going to look at an ad on a supermarket kart while shopping? Sometimes ad's are a waste of money. Have you ever gone to the store and checked out and got your receipt? did you ever look at the back of it? More useless ads. I think its a waste of ink. Ads should be limited to billboards and buses.

Advertisements are a good way to make money but they are also a good way to bombard people who useless products.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blog 3: Reflecting on Summary

1. From the summerizeing class i have learned certain things that i didnt know before. I also learned better techniques on summerizeing and picking out main ideas.

2. i have know i some what learned this because i can put sumerys better and they make much more sense.

3. What helped me what doing acouple of them in class with some of my class members. Although it was fun working with my class mates it was also hard because we had to combine all our ideas.

4. I feel more cinfident will summerizeing a paragraph or story.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blog 2: Reflecting on Annotation.

1.  From discussing annotations in class I've learned that is it a good idea to underline and high light words that  stick out to you or important information, facts & ideas.

2. From doing the annotation in class on "Is Google Making Us Stupid" i got "Search engine delivers useful information about pretty much anything"  "If we're distracted we understand less remember less and learn less".and " if your really interested in developing your minds we should turn off the computer and put away the cell phones.

3. I learned how to elaborate and also explain terms and definitions.

4. Annotations make you a better writer because you learn how to point out main points, and stuff that you can relate too & important facts.

I learned that i shouldent be afraid to under line and circle words that i dont know.

Blog 1 "Hype"

Advertisements are essential in this day & age. If there were no ads on buses, billboards or in supermarkets people would not have as much information on products as they currently do. Everywhere you look theirs an ad trying to market a product. sometimes advertisement company's go a step further and put an ad within an ad Often while i am watching TV a commercial will come on and all the way at the bottom of the screen they have another commercial scrolling across. I personally think there are too many billboards and posters advertising useless products. Companies will do just about anything to catch a customer’s eye. 

              In corporate America’s eyes ads should be "filled with a logo or product message" and I don't agree. 'Videocarte' installed interactive screens on supermarket carts so don't you think the customer would be too busy trying to focus on the ad on the screen rather than shopping. I personally think they are useless. Everywhere you turn you will bump into an ad, you can’t run from them. While you sit at the movies you have to sit through 10 minutes of commercials. When you go to the store to buy a cup of coffee the cup has an ad on it. TV and radio stations throw commercials at us all the time. While you’re sitting in the dentist office they have posters on the wall advertising a special tooth paste or mouth wash.

         As I walk through my school everyday I see ads trying to market school T-shirts, bags, etc
It’s just a way to make money. The product is not special nor will it do anything for you. It’s just a money issue. Advertisement companies will do anything like making 3 different ads for the same product just so people could view the commercial in hopes the product will be bought. I don't think advertisements affect people they are just really annoying and too frequent.


In English 099 i expect to learn the fundamentals of English. Hopefully at the end of this course i will have passed the test and i can make it everyday to class.!!