Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blog 1 "Hype"

Advertisements are essential in this day & age. If there were no ads on buses, billboards or in supermarkets people would not have as much information on products as they currently do. Everywhere you look theirs an ad trying to market a product. sometimes advertisement company's go a step further and put an ad within an ad Often while i am watching TV a commercial will come on and all the way at the bottom of the screen they have another commercial scrolling across. I personally think there are too many billboards and posters advertising useless products. Companies will do just about anything to catch a customer’s eye. 

              In corporate America’s eyes ads should be "filled with a logo or product message" and I don't agree. 'Videocarte' installed interactive screens on supermarket carts so don't you think the customer would be too busy trying to focus on the ad on the screen rather than shopping. I personally think they are useless. Everywhere you turn you will bump into an ad, you can’t run from them. While you sit at the movies you have to sit through 10 minutes of commercials. When you go to the store to buy a cup of coffee the cup has an ad on it. TV and radio stations throw commercials at us all the time. While you’re sitting in the dentist office they have posters on the wall advertising a special tooth paste or mouth wash.

         As I walk through my school everyday I see ads trying to market school T-shirts, bags, etc
It’s just a way to make money. The product is not special nor will it do anything for you. It’s just a money issue. Advertisement companies will do anything like making 3 different ads for the same product just so people could view the commercial in hopes the product will be bought. I don't think advertisements affect people they are just really annoying and too frequent.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Linda-- here are your old comments:

    1. Nuyork:
    I could do better on gathering ideas Placing my commas and spelling. I wrote enough information and it made sense.
    March 7, 2011 5:50 PM

    2. Doctor X:
    I agree with your assessment--you have lots of good ideas and concrete details here from your own experience. Good Job!

    My suggestions would have to do more with connection and focus.

    Connection: The test requires that you summarize the reading in a recognizable manner, so using the author's name and title would be an easy way for the reader to separate the reading's ideas from your own.

    Focus: I think your main point was "I don't think advertisements affect people they are just really annoying and too frequent." That's a good point, but for this test, you may want to place it earlier in the piece, to make sure the reader gets the point right away.
    March 8, 2011 11:42 AM

    3.Doctor X:
    P.S.: For ideas on how to mention the author and title--see, for example, Rebekah's post:
