Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blog 19; In Defense of Food.

  • What items in Pollan's advice make sense to you? 
  • Which could you implement right away? 
  • Which seem hard to do or farfetched?
  • Which you wish you could do, but your present lifestyle does not make possible?

In Michael Pollan's book "In Defense to food" he gives us tips on how to eat better. One thing he monitions is not to eat anything your grandmother wouldn't recognize. Many food today is processed or it contains "fake" ingredients. He also suggests not to eat any food with ingredients that you don't recognize. According to Pollan we should plant more plants instead of going to the supermarket to purchase them. I also agree with Pollan on his last tip, to sit down together and eat. I think if you sit down and have a meal with family/friends you would more likely than not eat a healthy meal.

The only thing that makes sense to me is to cook at home and eat meals together as a family rather than alone. The only thing i could implement right away would be to avoid food products that seem unfamiliar or that i have never heard of before. The "pay more eat less" tip seems a little far fetched for me. Not everything has the luxury of buying products based on there makeup rather than their price. many people buy items based on their price.Planting a garden is something i wish i could do, but due to me living in an apartment that seems a little impossible. I'm sure everyone would like to follow Pollan's tips for eating better but due to financial issues and living issues many people have to choice but to eat the "garbage" they have in the supermarkets.


  1. Love the new look of the blog!:-)

  2. On the other hand, some healthy foods are pretty cheap: fresh fruit, for example, or rice and beans. Or oatmeal. So the question may be to rethink the way one eats.
