Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog 4; Rivision of "Hype"

Kalle Lasn, the author of "Hype" starts his article by stating "advertisements are the most prevalent and toxic of mental pollutants. The author then continues to give us a number of daily radio commercials TV commercials and billboard ads that we encounter each and everyday. She also mentions that no longer are ads confined to the usual places such as buses and billboards but now we can see ads on supermarkets karts, while waiting online for your cup of coffee. Lasin writes there is no where to run. "Everyone’s life without exemptions are filled with advertisements.

In the giving passage Hype Kalle Lasn writes about advertisements being the most prevalent and toxic of mental problems" He points out there growing number and there places in which they appear. "There is no where to run no one is exempt and no one will be spared states lasn. I totally agree with Lasn. Where ever you turn your bout to run into an ad. While waiting for a bus your constantly see ads, whether its on passing by busses or cabs. THERE EVERY WHERE. In corporate America’s eyes ads should be "filled with a logo or product message" and I don't agree. 'Videocarte' installed interactive screens on supermarket carts so don't you think the customer would be too busy trying to focus on the ad on the screen rather than shopping. I personally think they are useless. Everywhere you turn you will bump into an ad, you can’t run from them. While you sit at the movies you have to sit through 10 minutes of commercials. When you go to the store to buy a cup of coffee the cup has an ad on it. TV and radio stations throw commercials at us all the time. While you’re sitting in the dentist office they have posters on the wall advertising a special tooth paste or mouth wash. Most people dont have a problem with ad's being posted everywhere and on everything. I think its a good idea; not only do we get entertained while shopping or waiting for our morning bus but the ads promote a product. By the ads being promoted the product will get sold more. I personally think there are too many billboards and posters advertising useless products. Companies will do just about anything to catch a customer’s eye.

Companies are going over board. Who's going to look at an ad on a supermarket kart while shopping? Sometimes ad's are a waste of money. Have you ever gone to the store and checked out and got your receipt? did you ever look at the back of it? More useless ads. I think its a waste of ink. Ads should be limited to billboards and buses.

Advertisements are a good way to make money but they are also a good way to bombard people who useless products.


  1. My comment.

    In the essay, Linda did write a good paper. The body of the essay was very good with some grammar error. Linda stay connected to the article all the time. She have very good comment and example. She always refer back to the paper indirectly. The writer main point continues throughout the body of the essay.
    There is item Linda missing. One thing Linda did incorrectly was the introduction or the thesis statement. She did not summery the article in her own words. Her personal opinion was not post in the introduction but in the body of the essay.
    I believe that Linda should practice more her introduction. The thesis, her claim, and the summery should be in the introduction. Linda position or argument has to be states in the introduction.

  2. How did i not summerize it in my own words?
    first ive written a good essay then your saying my personal opinion was not posted in the introduction and its not in my own words. then how is it i wrote a "good essay" according to you?? im confussed by this comment.
